International Christian Fellowship

Elstree and Borehamwood to become a Christian Community

Beta 01(a)                       Origins

We will be looking at where we came from and why we are here.

Is it all an accident or does life have real purpose?

Life appearing by accident is even less likely than a monkey writing Shakespeare.

[See story at end of this page].

The Bible says God made us.

What does Genesis 1:1 say happened in the beginning?


What did God think of his creation? Genesis 1:31


Who made man? Malachi 2:10 .............................................................................................................

Read Psalm 8:4-8 Is man just another animal? Yes or No? ....................................................................

Why? ..................................................................................................................................................


Who made you? Job 33:4 .....................................................................................................................

How long has God known you? Psalm 139:13-16 ..................................................................................

The Bible says God loves you.

Read 1 John 4:7-10. Where does love come from? Verse 7 ...................................................................

What does verse 8 say about God? ......................................................................................................

What does verse 10 say God did because He loves us? .........................................................................


Psalm 63:3 What does the writer say is better than life?



You and I have first option to buy a large old house in which no one has lived for years. We collect the keys and wander from room to room, noticing everywhere is covered in thick dust. We explore everywhere, including the cupboards and cellar. In one room on the second floor we notice it has only one chair, and a table on which is a box of cardboard letters, such as one uses for word games like `Lexicon'. We go for lunch to a nearby restaurant for a meal. During lunch an earth tremor shakes the place. We decide to take one last look around the house before returning the keys. When we come to the room on the second floor we discover the following:

i) All the letters are out of the box and lying on the floor.

ii) All the letters had fallen up the same way.

iii) The letters all made words.

iv) The words all made sentences.

v) The sentences were arranged in paragraphs.

vi) The paragraphs were arranged in chapters.

vii) The chapters made up books, representing the entire works of Shakespeare.                                                   


Visit our Borehamwood Church, Manor Way, Borehamwood